Location of The Tara Hotel Killybegs
The Tara Hotel is situated in the harbour town of Killybegs on the South West Coast of Donegal (over looking Killybegs Harbour).
Killybegs is situated less than 29 km west of Donegal Town.
Travelling by car to Donegal, the best route to reach Killybegs and the Tara Hotel is to drive towards Donegal Town until you reach the Donegal Town ring-road which by-passes the town Staying on the Donegal Town by-pass follow the signs for the N56 road and Killybegs.
As you approach the final Donegal bypass exit, the Killybegs (N56) road is clearly sign-posted.
Enroute to Killybegs, you will pass the villages of Mountcharles, Dunkineely and Bruckless before reaching the Town Centre of Killybegs.
As you approach Killybegs Town the Tara Hotel will be located directly in front of you. Turn Right at the town entrance and drive towards Main Street as opposed to the Shore Road. The Reception Entrance is the 1st visible entrance to the hotel. Parking is available in a public car park in the centre of the town or in any parking space near the hotel. There are currently no parking restrictions in Killybegs.
The Tara Hotel is only a 10 minute drive from the Blue Haven Hotel.